Wenzhou Fuji Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.
Wenzhou Fuji Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd.

Firefighter Elevator

A firefighter elevator is a specialized elevator system designed to accommodate the needs of firefighters during emergency situations. It is typically found in high-rise buildings and allows firefighters to reach upper floors quickly and safely. Firefighter elevators are equipped with advanced safety features, including a backup power source and design to prevent smoke intrusion. They are also capable of carrying heavy loads and can generate their own water supply.


Features of Firefighter Elevator

  • Emergency Capacity: Firefighter elevators are designed to enable easy and efficient travel for firefighters during emergency situations.

  • Advanced Fire Protection: Firefighter elevators come equipped with advanced safety features that protect against smoke, flames, and other hazards associated with fire.

  • Heavy Load Capacity: Firefighter elevators are capable of carrying both firefighters and heavy equipment necessary for rescue missions.

Gallery of Firefighter Elevator

Our fire elevators incorporate the latest technology to ensure reliable vertical elevator solutions for firefighters in emergency situations.

Firefighter Elevator

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